Thursday, October 02, 2008

Well, I haven't been very good at keeping this updated.

It has been a crazy three weeks. I am halfway through my training at my job. I take a test every Friday. Those are quite nerve wracking but it will be okay. Life has been incredible busy lately. I am trying to keep my house under control and find time to clean out things and simplify. But I just haven't had the extra time lately. I really just need to focus on getting through this training first. I will also be putting in my two week notice at Old Navy. I am worried that I won't be able to make it but God knows my needs. He will provide. I need that time to get my house under control and spend time with Leesha. I am also looking for a new place to live. I apologize for not keeping this updated. Unfortunately, my life has other focuses and I am doing my best to just get through the day and do the best for Leesha. The divorce has been filed as of Monday and the next step is to wait for 60 days and then it should be final. I have to find 4 hours in the next 25 days to attend a parenting class. I frankly am not looking forward to that. I really don't think I need the government to tell me how to parent my child. I have been doing it just fine for the last 8 years without their help. Yes, I know she has some difficulties now but you know, our God will get us through it not the government. Well, I am off to fold another load of laundry. I have gotten my living room picked up, trash out, 2 loads of laundry folded, supper made and put away, but I still have lots to do. I still need to fold one more load, clean up my kitchen and study for my test. Yep, it looks like it is going to be a late night. I am off to watch the Vice Presidential debate and fold laundry. Please keep us in your prayers. We need them.

Also please keep my brother (serving in Afghanistan) and his family in your prayers. We have 5 months more to go and it is a stressful time for his family.

1 comment:

I'm home now what? said...

I'm so glad you updated. I'll be praying for your request. Sorry you have to take the parenting class. That does stink! Where is your new job? I hope you love it.