Saturday, March 21, 2009

WOW! Time sure has gotten away from me!

I last updated this in November. So much has happened since then, I don't even know where to begin. The divorce is final. I have been single for almost 4 months and seperated for almost 9 months. I honestly can't believe how time has flown and I am amazed by how God has brought us through it. It is very overwhelming to think about all that God has done for me and Leesha during this time. It is also very overwhelming to look back at the person I was and then look at the present and see the person I am today all because of God's amazing grace. He has provided in so many ways that I can't even begin to list them all.

Leesha is doing well. She is very active in her school and Girl Scouts. She just received a straight A report card. I am so proud of her. She worked very hard to bring up the two B's she received last grading period. She is still very active and hardly ever stops. Yes, even in her sleep she is moving.

I am doing great! My job is going well and I recently received a promotion. I thank God every day for this job that allows me to provide for my daughter. Yes, it is tiring to work full time and then come home and do everything that I have to do but God provided this job for me and I am incredibly thankful for that, especially in this economy! I am doing a Beth Moore Bible Study right now called "Stepping Up". It is about the Psalms of Ascent. Psalms 120 - 134. I am only in the first week and I have been so blessed already. I love the Psalms anyway. It speaks about every day life and all the emotions and frustrations of it. The Psalmists don't hold anything back. They talk about anger, forgiveness, vengance, sadness, love, frustration and so many more things. It also reminds me that God is a God of details and wants to know our every care, joy, and sorrow. He wants that every day relationship with us not just one of convenience. You know the one where life is falling down around you and that is when you decide to run to God. I have done that so many times. I want that every day relationship with Christ. That deep, fulfulling relationship with the One who created me and gave His life for me.

Today has been a productive day. My house is clean. I worked 6 hours of overtime. My new washer is here! Thanks Dad and Mom for the early birthday present. Yes, very early birthday present. Let's see, 3 months early to be exact. I have done 3 loads of laundry. Well, they are washed and 2 are dried. I still have to fold and switch the other load around. But that will come.

If you don't mind me asking, I would like you all to pray with me about something. I am considering going back to college. I need to decide on a college and get grants and things figured out. Pray that I will know the Lord's will for me in this decision. I appreciate the prayers so much.

I also just want to take a moment to thank those of you who have prayed for me these past 8/9 months. I wouldn't have made it through all of this without all of you. I can't even begin to express how much the prayers, the phone calls, the hugs, the encouragement, the love and even the tears shed with me have meant to me. When I think about it, I tear up and can't even speak. Imagine that, me and tears and speechlessness! I have amazing friends and family and I am SO Thankful for each and every one of you. You all know who are you. So here is my small token of gratitude. Thank you. I love you all!


Anonymous said...

I will gladly join you in prayer about college. Well that and the other stuff I pray about for you. Glad to see you have such a great update too. (((Rachel)))

Kelly Roberts said...

WOW! You have been through alot but it is so cool to see how you are nurturing yourself with support, love, care, faith and hope. I am cheering for you, too. Hang in there!