Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our week this week.

It has been a very busy but good week. Leesha started school this week. She got the teacher she wanted and was so beyond excited that she could barely contain herself. She had a very good week at school. We met her teacher on Friday and her teacher said that she is a joy to have in school. I did email her teacher about the divorce just so she would have a heads up. Her teacher said that Leesha has been great and she would have never have known there was upheaval at home if I hadn't of told her. She also stated that that was a compliment to me because obviously she was very secure in my love for her. So I was very thankful to hear that there were no problems. She still has good and bad days at home but we are more normal now. You know, the usual kid stuff. I think getting back to a normal routine has helped her so much.

There was no easing in on the homework. It started right away but it isn't too bad. It takes only about 20 minutes to do. I am still working at Old Navy. So please keep my getting a full time job in your prayers. Hopefully, I will hear something from one of the jobs this week.

I am doing good. God is proving himself faithful and life has leveled out. I did get a tip today on a cheaper apartment which I need to check into. I don't think I can afford this apartment on my own salary once I do get a full time job. So I am going to go check into that apartment complex on Tuesday. They have a waiting list from what I hear so I want to get on it as soon as possible.

Well, so there is our update. I still can't get my pictures downloaded off my camera and I just haven't had time to figure out where my cord is at this moment. But I will try to post updated pictures very soon. She has grown about another two inches in the past month again.


I'm home now what? said...

Rachel I'll be praying for you. I "found" you through MOMO's blog. I had no idea you had one. I've missed seeing you on hearts. I understand leaving there, I did a couple weeks ago. Do keep in touch and let me know if I can help you w/ anything.

Heidi Stone said...

Still praying for you, Rachel. Please let me know if I can help you in any way.

Isn't the Lord so gracious to uphold us in our trials?

daisygirl said...

Praying for you always Rachel. Thank you for the encouragement you have been in MY life and I pray I can be the same for you.

Keep trusting...